University Computer Center


The University Computer Centre, at Zografou Campus, equipped with a modern complex of computing facilities supports all the academic activities (education, research and development) of NTUA. State - of - the art software development tools, libraries and advanced engineering packages are available to all authorized users. Members of the academic community including students from the first year of their study are entitled to use the UCC facilities, through a personalized and secure scheme. The implementation and integration of information and communication technologies in the university curricula, is greatly supported by the operation of ten computing labs, nine of them are installed since 1999 in each one of the nine Schools. The Computer Centre through the inter-school computing lab, coordinates the distribution and use of the software packages to the nine PC labs.

Electronic Mail (central) · Central Cloud Service · Personalized Announcements Service

Additionally:  interdepartmental personal computer laboratories (PC labs), access to licensed commercial scientific software, open source software, e-learning environments, seminars, high performance computing.


Network Operations Center


Since 1995, the Network Operations Center provides an advanced communication, computer and digital telephony networking centre that operates at the NTUA, which constitutes a model for academic networks internationally. It is runned by a high-level scientific and technical unit. The Institution’s Networking Centre consists of: Structured wiring fully documented in electronic and printed form, 11777 telecommunication supplies (5381 double and 1015 single), Unified network of digital communication ISDN PABX, High performance data network (up to 155 Mbps), Access to the Internet 1 Gbps for Greece and 100 Mbps for outside of Greece.  

Electronic Mail (webmail.ntua.gr) · Phone Directory

my.ntua.gr · Network Management Center · Online Zografous Camp map

Additionally: connection to the data network, connection to the phone network, wireless network, digital certificates, internet connection registration, SSO service, VPN access.


N.T.U.A. Library and Information Center


Mission of the NTUA Library and Information Center is to serve the teaching staff and students of the University, as well as the scientists or students of other Universities by providing access to information


Catalogue · Self Registration ·Library Account Login Electronic Resources · Databases E- Journals by Title (HEALl-Link) · Electronic Books DSPACE Digital Repository · Digital Historical Library Ask a Librarian · Information Literacy Workshops Inter-Library Loan Service ·Turnitin Anti-Plagiarism Software


Additionally: loan service, social networks, Wi – Fi, desktop computers, collaboration work rooms, workstations for students with disabilities, photocopies, etc.




Other Services

Free Open Source Software



Live Weather from the NTUA

"Itia" Weather Station at the Zografou Campus

Hydrological Observatory of Athens

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