Student Status

Greek high school graduates enter NTUA Schools after succeeding to the national "numerous clasus" entrance examinations. According to the exam records, NTUA students are in the range of the top 1 ≈ 5% of the candidates for University education. There are no limits for the duration of studies. Students may apply to their School to suspend their studies. If approved by the University board, an applicant will cease to be a student during the period of suspension, and all the associated rights of the student will be withdrawn. Studies may be resumed with a new application.


Structure of Studies

The educational curriculum at NTUA is divided into independent academic semesters, each one equivalent to 30 credit units. The courses taught in the different Schools last one semester. Studies in all Schools last ten (five fall and five spring) semesters. The tenth semester is devoted to the Diploma Thesis. Each semester covers in average 30 credit units and lasts 18 weeks; 13 weeks are devoted exclusively to teaching, 2 for the Christmas or Easter break, and the last 3 of each semester for final examinations in that semester’s courses. In the fall semester, the week after the final exams is given over to vacations or special educational purposes.



Within two weeks of the start of each semester courses, students are required to fill in an application form at their School Office, including the courses they wish to attend.




The curriculum includes the titles and content of the mandatory and elective courses, the weekly hours of teaching (including every form of teaching) and the sequence or interdependence of courses. It is published every year in Greek and English. Handbooks are available from the School Offices. The General Assembly of the School is responsible for drawing up the curriculum, which comes under review everyApril. The School President sets up a programme committee consisting of members of the General Assembly of the School, lasting for one year, which submits a report to the General Assembly based on the suggestions of the departments. The final curriculum authorization is given by the Senate.


Academic Tutors

Immediately following the publication of the list of registered students, the School Board appoints a School member as a tutor for each student.


Evaluation Questionnaires

NTUA evaluates the teaching process with questionnaires in order to:

  • pinpoint any weaknesses in the education offered and continuously improve its quality
  • introduce new modes of teaching which will strengthen the active participation of students (broadening and improving laboratory work, using multimedia, evaluation through electronic questionnaires, access to electronic libraries and material on academic staff personal web pages)
  • improve communication between academic staff and students.

The questionnaires are distributed to students between the 7th and 10th week of each semester by the School Offices, during courses. They are optional and anonymous, and are offering vital information for achieving the above aims.


Quality Assurance

Starting in 1999, the National Technical University of Athens conducts periodically an evaluation of its educational and research services and facilities. It is carried out by an internal committee, consisting of academic staff representing all Faculties, graduate and postgraduate students and administrative staff, in collaboration with a Committee of External Evaluators from abroad. The purpose of this quality control is to collect, process and present all the available information on administration, education, research, infrastructure, facilities and services available, in order to identify potential problem areas, and improve the record of NTUA as one of the leading Technological Universities.


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