Student Exchange Programmes

Student exchange programmes allow students to study in other European countries forper iods ranging from three months to one academic year. During their stay abroad, students must attend courses equivalent to those of their normal semester and pass examinations which count towards their degree. There is also the oppor tunity for a Master’s Thesis to be written abroad with the agreement of the supervising professor of the NTUA School. Students are offered the possibility of subsidised professional employment in a foreign country during the summer vacation. 


The Erasmus programme first began in 1987, and became the leader in studies in technical universities inside and outside the EU with which the NTUA has the appropriate agreement. Periods abroad range from three months to one academic year, with guaranteed recognition of studies.
To cover the additional expense associated with cost of living differences abroad, Erasmus scholarships granted by the European Union are supplemented by the NTUA. Apart from the linguistic and cultural benefits offered by the programme, students have the opportunity to gain international experience
from other countries.
Students who take part in Erasmus have usually completed their first year of studies, and the procedure for granting scholarships begins at least six months before travelling abroad. Erasmus NTUA Office, NTUA Erasmus Student Network (ESN)


NTUA is involved in the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). Everyyear NTUA and seven other Greek universities send approximately 250 students for practical training in technical companies or University Laboratories of member countries of IAESTE, and accept a similar number of foreign students in Greece.
The student work placements are funded by the companies themselves. Every year, they inform the authorities about places they have available and what conditions the candidates must fulfil.
Applications are submitted in October and November of the previous year and the selection of successful candidates is made in Februaryand March on the basis of objective criteria such as school, year of graduation, knowledge of the required foreign language and degree of success in the studies of the previous academic year. The student exchanges usually take place during vacations (July- September). IAESTE NTUA Office



The aim of the Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe (AEGEE) is to promote European awareness and cooperation among the members of the European student community. In this framework, AEGEE organises conferences and events of European and scientific interest, and promotes exchanges between large numbers of students. It is an organisation that operates at a European and regional level and includes activities such as summer universities, business management competitions, Community law competitions, seminars and conferences.



BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) is a non profit, non political students organization “for students by students”. It is a network of 64 Highest Educational Institutes of technological course of 25 European countries, aiming to promote the idea of Europe among European students. The basic aims of this organization are the creation of strong ties between European students, the understanding of different cultures, information about high technology issues, contact with the labour market, with the companies, and the development of students’ abilities which will help them to work on international level.

To succeed through these goals BEST organizes, every year, a variety of academic activities, including educational seminars of technological interest, cultural exchanges, meetings with companies, sport meetings, excursions etc. BEST Athens is between the most powerful Local Teams of the Organization,while at the same time it has been established as one of the most important student organizations of European orientation.

Participation in most of BEST activities is free of charge and applications can be made over the Internet. English is the language used in all seminars. BEST also offers M inerva, an internet database which aims to create contact between new European Engineer students and companies through out the world. Through M iner va students have the possibility to learn and take advantage of offers for seasonal, part-time or full-time employment, master
thesis, scholarships, seminars, conventions, competitions and many other activities. BEST NTUA Office



Especially related to the School of Civil Engineers is the International Association of Civil Engineering Students (IACES). Its purpose is to offer a collaboration network between civil engineers student enabling organized actions. IACES organizes member meetings in various European cities, where take place lectures, discussions and social activities.


The EESTEC Local Committee of Athens (Electrical Engineering STudents' European assoCiation Local Committee Athens) is a voluntary, non-governmental organization of Electrical and Computer Engineering students, which operates in 28 countries and 53 polytechnic schools throughout Europe. EESTEC LC Athens is a member of the European organization EESTEC International, founded in 1984 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. EESTEC Athens

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