The National Technical University of Athens is structured according to the continental European system for training engineers, with an emphasis on solid background. The duration of courses leading, after the acquisition of 300 credit units to a Diploma, of Master’s level, is five years. The valuable work of NTUA and its international reputation are due to its well-organised educational andresearch system, the quality of its staff and students, and the adequacy of its technical infrastructure. NTUA graduates were pivotal to Greece’s pre-war development and to post-war reconstruction. The graduate engineers who staffed public and private technical services and companies were and remain by general consent, equal to their European counterparts. Many have been elected to distinguished teaching and research positions in well-known universities all over the world.
Under Article 16 of the Greek Constitution and consequent laws, and in accordance with its tradition and structure, the primary institutional component of the NTUA’s mission, effected through the integrated complex of studies and research, is to provide advanced higher education of outstanding quality in science andtechnology.
For this purpose, NTUA operates as a State University with nine Schools, self-administered by the Senate, the Rector, the Vice-Rectors, the School Presidents, representatives of the academic staff and students from every School, as well as representatives from other university bodies.
The obvious need for any major institute of higher education to operate and offer education and research opportunities within a well organised and completely unambiguous internal system of principles, aims, procedures, rights and obligations, led, between the years 1997 and 2000, to the in depth internal and external evaluation of the NTUA’s structure and activities and consequently to the drawing up, discussion with all NTUA’s members and approval by the Senate and the Ministryof Education, (Government Gazette 1098/B/05.09.2000), of the NTUA Statute. This code of operation and development, considered as one of the best European University Statutes, defines that the main strategy of NTUA in the new millennium, is not only to maintain its position as an outstanding and internationally recognised public university of science and technology, but also to strengthen that position as regarding all its basic operations. All other strategies, aims and actions must be compatible with this basic strategic choice.
NTUA in numbers
- 1837, foundation year
- 9 Schools, 512 faculty members, 4.090 external collaborators, 23.914 students, 300,000 sq.m. of installations.
- Over time, the baccalaureate grades required for admission in all of NTUA schools remain constantly the highest between all Greek academic institutions by specialty. For the year 2016, the minimum grade for admission to the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 18,628 points, was the highest nationwide among all schools of the 2nd Scientific Field "Science & Technology".
- According to QS World Universities Ranking 2016, NTUA is the leading academic institution in Greece and the only one in the top 400 institutions worldwide. The School of Civil Engineering is in the 33rd position of the world’s best schools by specialty. NTUA is in 67th place worldwide among technological universities.
- At NTUA operate 194 laboratories, 140 of which are certified. In 2015, they were ongoing 1423 national and European research projects.
- NTUA Faculty members publish annually more than 3.000 scientific papers (in journals, conference proceedings, chapters in volumes etc.) which earn more than 20.000 citations.
- In the decade 2000-2010, graduated from NTUA 14.617 students. Of the 120.000 qualified engineers active today in Greece, the majority (over 40%) are NTUA graduates.
Choosing "Prometheus bringing the fire from the gods to the mankind", as its symbol, NTUA never loses sight of the real human needs and dimensions. Its final concerns are quality of life and protection of democratic rights and achievements. It integrates its mission by adopting the timeless valuable social role of the traditional Universities. Consequently, it develops the broader personal and social qualities of its academic and research staff and its students by
⬜ Cultivating their skills for self-reliant access to knowledge, synthesis, research, communication and cooperation for staff and project management
⬜ Developing well integrated personalities equipped not only with renewable scientific and technological knowledge, but also with responsibility as professionals and democratic citizens
⬜ Strengthening their general background for contribution in the overall complex of scientific, technological, social and cultural development of Greece and the International community